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2013 Welcome party for new international students

Published on May 09, 2013


On Friday 26 April Osaka City University (OCU) welcomed its new international students in the Tanaka Memorial Hall at Sugimoto Campus.

The Vice-President of International Affairs Miyano, Dr. Minami (Chairman of the OCU Associates International Exchange Committee) and Mr. Shengdi Jin (Chairman of the OCU Exchange Students Association) each gave a speech to welcome the new students.

This year many Japanese students also attended the party and to break the ice Jamboree, Maple, OCU Exchange students Association and Japanese student volunteers organized a game so everyone could get to know each other. The party then continued with a buffet in the hall next to the theater where Professor Nakagawa (Director of the Global Exchange Office) proposed a toast.

In total 148 students participated. We hope they all made new friends from different countries and will enjoy their years of study at OCU.??

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