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China Education Association For International Exchange (CEAIE) Visit Osaka City University (OCU)

Published on Jan 06, 2020


Twenty representatives from the China Education Association For International Exchange (CEAIE) met with Osaka City University Vice President Tomoko Ikegami on Wednesday 18 December, 2019.

At the Researchers Communication Hall in the Media Center, OCU Professor Emeritus/Global Education Advisor Toru Inoue presented on university reform from an educational point of view and also talked about issues with human interaction between Japan and China. Members of CEAIE were impressed that he delivered the presentation in both Chinese and Japanese and opinions surrounding the topics were actively shared.

Professor Emeritus Inoue’s lecture was followed by an introduction of OCU by Mr. Shimizu, Manager, Global Exchange Office.

Gift Exchange

Left: Wu Wenying, Leader of CEAIE / Right: Tomoko Ikegami, Vice President, OCU
Left: Wu Wenying, Leader of CEAIE / Right: Tomoko Ikegami, Vice President, OCU


Professor Emeritus Toru Inoue’s lecture 1
Professor Emeritus Toru Inoue’s lecture 1
Professor Emeritus Toru Inoue’s lecture 2
Professor Emeritus Toru Inoue’s lecture 2


Introduction of Osaka City University

Presentation by Mr. Shimizu, Manager, Global Exchange Office, OCU
Presentation by Mr. Shimizu, Manager, Global Exchange Office, OCU


CEAIE Group Photo

Members of China Education Association For International Exchange (CEAIE)
Members of China Education Association For International Exchange (CEAIE)
