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Professors and Students from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Chulalongkorn University Visited Osaka City University

Published on May 30, 2019


Total of 24 including professors and students from the Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts at Chulalongkorn University (CU), Thailand, visited Osaka City University (OCU) for three days from Wednesday 22 to Friday 24 May, 2019 and held a workshop and a concert on traditional Thai music and dances.

A workshop on traditional Japanese dances was offered to CU students on Wednesday 22 May while a workshop on traditional Thai dances and music was offered to OCU students on the following day, Thursday 23 May.



On Friday 24 May, a concert entitled “An Evening of Thai Traditional Music and Dances” introducing Thai traditional music/dances as well as creative dances to the audience, was held. The audience enjoyed the atmosphere of the royal palace and the society of the citizens. Lively performance by the students wearing Thai costumes attracted the audience.



During their visit to OCU, CU Vice President of Faculty of Fine and Applied Arts Dr. Pornprapit Phoasavadi and other faculties, visited OCU Vice President Sakuragi, Vice President Hashimoto and Specially Appointed Vice President Tsuruta and exchanged opinions.

Courtesy Visit by the Party of CU

