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Tuition Payment for the Second Semester of Academic Year 2020

Published on Sep 25, 2020


Below are tuition fees for the second semester in Academic Year 2020.

Undergraduate 267,900 yen
Graduate 267,900 yen
Law School 267,900 yen

1.Those who have registered for direct debit

The date tuition fees will be withdrawn from your account for the second semester of Academic Year (AY) 2020 is as follows.
Please deposit the tuition fee into a registered account no later than Monday 26 October.
(The university will take care of any withdrawal charges.)

Date of withdrawal: Tuesday 27 October 2020

【Reference 1】The date tuition fees will be withdrawn from the account for the first semester 2021 is Thursday 27 May 2021.            

【Reference 2】Each year the dates tuition fees to be withdrawn from the account are:
 27 May (first semester) / 27 October (second semester) 
?When the date of withdrawal falls on a bank holiday, the tuition will be withdrawn the following day.
?If the tuition fees are revised during your enrollment, the revised amount will be applied.

2.Those who have not registered for direct debit

?“振込金兼手数料受取書Receipts for money transfers, withdrawal charges/振込依頼書(銀行控)transfer request forms (for bank use) for tuition payments of the second semester of AY 2020 will be sent in mid October.?Please transfer money to an OCU designated account by the due date.
(There is no fee for those who make a transfer at the main branch of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation with the use of “振込金兼手数料受取書receipts for money transfers, withdrawal charges/振込依頼書(銀行控)transfer request forms (for bank use). OCU is not responsible for any fees accrued through the use of other banks or financial institutions.)

Deadline of tuition for the second semester: Saturday 31 October 2020*?
Deadline for the second semester of AY 2020 is Friday 30 October?as Saturday 31 October is a bank holiday.


    • The date of withdrawal and the deadline of the tuition payment may differ for those who have applied to tuition exemptions or extensions the period of registration.
    • Information has been announced on the OCU website, OCU portal site, OCU UNIPA, bulletin boards in each faculty building, Student Support Center and Basic Experiment Education Building.
    • Detailed information on tuition, etc. can be found on the OCU website here?Tuition Fees, Financial Support and Cost of Living”.
    • Non-degree students and trainee course students (research students) will receive a separate announcement.
    • Those who have not paid tuition after the deadline or after receiving a reminder, are subject to expulsion. (According to the academic regulations in Article 17 of Osaka City University or Article 12 Graduate School, Osaka City University)
    • Any questions on tuition fees, please contact us by email, not by phone. Please understand that due to the counter measures for COVID-19, our staff is responding to inquiries at half the usual rate.
